The film 31 Endings/31 Beginnings is a film debut of the Rafani art collective. The outline of the work consists of mapping of Prague's mostly “underground” culture. It has a form of a film treatise. Individual parts are ordered in a numerical sequence one after another. Their succession gives rise to a metaphorical movement, which can be described as a movement from the city periphery to the city center or a direction towards power and consciousness. Every part has its own theme and its own representative. Twenty-one notables mainly from the fields of contemporary art, noise music, or political activism (e.g., Vladimír Skrepl, Vladimír 518, Advance Design, Birds Built Nests Underground, Ondřej Slačálek, Petr Krejzek, Michal Viewegh and others) make their appearance in the film. 31 Endings/31 Beginnings is about Prague at the mirror stage. As always with Rafani's art projects, the authorship is collective. is powered by Doc Alliance, a creative partnership of 7 key European documentary film festivals. Our aim is to advance the documentary genre, support its diversity and promote quality creative documentary films.