This gentle comedy takes place just after World War II., during the academic year 1945-46. Ten-year-old Eda and his friend Tonda attend an elementary school in Prague suburbs. They are pupils of an all-boy class which is famous for its bad behaviour. No wonder one day the teacher is drive out of her mind. Although it seems there exists no remedy, nevertheless… The teacher is replaced by Igor Hnízdo – allegedly the hero of several military operations – an energetic, uncompromising and just man. His only weakness is his grea interest in the fair sex. In no time the little tyrants who have been taken by surprise turn into meek sheep, ready to defend their new teacher at any time and any place. Reticent Eda watches him, comparing him with his own unvaliant father who, in reality, my however have been and probably is much more of an hero…
Script writer Zdenek Sverak has created an autobiographical mosaic of his childhood memories, returning to the time when he was ten years old. At this crucial stage, boys are still children but already perceive the adults’ world with great intensity. This extraordinarily ordinary and artfully simple film endowed with intelligent humour is rich in many surprises, secrets, as well as in an understanding attitude toward human weaknesses. The story will no doubt be a refreshing balm for the souls of the viewers who are constantly attacked by violence, cynicism and formal emptiness. is powered by Doc Alliance, a creative partnership of 7 key European documentary film festivals. Our aim is to advance the documentary genre, support its diversity and promote quality creative documentary films.