Václav Reischl

Václav Reischl was born in Větřní, Czech Republic in 1947. In 1972 he graduated from the Film and TV Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU) in Prague and one year later he emigrated to Germany.
Just a few years later, in 1978, he founded, together with Jurák Lipták, the photo and film production company R&L. Thanks to their successful commercial photographic work, they were also able to produce various independent fiction and non-fiction films and could realize various photography exhibitions. In the last few years, Reischl was also able to realize a couple of projects together with his daughter Tine Reischl (NurLimonade Media Productions Amsterdam, Netherlands).
Václav Reischl’s photography experience ranges from artistic experimental and social photography to a wide range of commercial photography all over the world (Europe, United States, Oman, Canada, China and many other countries).

Anstifter Grohmann
Germany, 2007
ROzhraní-Grenzbereich/ Boderline
78´, Germany, 2005
Grossvater, was ist Leonberg?/ Granddad, what is Leonberg?
61´, Germany, 2004
Tomás Lomm
60´, Germany, 2006
60´, Germany, 2002
Der Park/ The Public Garden
5´, Germany, 1993
Heim nach Böhmen
57´, Germany/Netherlands/CZ, 2008
Není Hietler jako Hitler/ Not Every Hietler is Hitler
57´, CZ, 2006
Geld&saudade/ Money and Saudade
50´, Germany, 1988
Der Käfer/ The Beetle
46´, Germany, 1981
Ein bisschen verwirrt/ A Little Confused
45´, Germany, 1994-99
Überlebende des KZ Leonberg/ Survivors of KZ Leonberg
32´, Germany, 2003
Maler Moshe Neufeld/ Painter Moshe Neufeld
31´, Germany, 2003
Eingeklemmt/ Stucked
22´, Germany, 2006
Nix Desert Storm
20´, Germany, 2009
Köln ruft Kairo/ Cologne calling Cairo
20´, Germany, 1993
Der Alte und die see/ The Old Man and the Sea
20´, Germany, 1986
15´, Germany, 2004
Die Helbe Wahrheit/ The Half Truth
100´, Germany, 1984

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