Scene from the film after caspar david friedrich
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after caspar david friedrich

  • Germany
  • Greece

people (like in works of the romantic painter caspar david friedrich (1774-1840))
observes in silence
the demolition of a building in the centre of the city of leipzig...
a ko.incidental documentary take, an (un)usual moment
taken in the year 2005 with a normal digital video apparatus in the city of leipzig

without tripod
without camera moves
without zooming
without special lighting
without extra microphone
without effects

the sound and the length of the shooting are the original
there is no cuts between the scene


  • Original Title
    after caspar david friedrich
  • Direction
  • Cinematography
    konstantinos-antonios goutos / the[video]Flâneu®
  • Editing
    konstantinos-antonios goutos / the[video]Flâneu®
  • Sound
    konstantinos-antonios goutos / the[video]Flâneu®
  • Runtime
    8 min (1-15 min.)
  • Year
  • Country
    • Germany
    • Greece
  • Format
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