Documentary film Heavy Heart arose as a part of ethnomusicological research Silalo panori / Cold water (2014 – 2017) of ancient Roma songs. These songs are usually connected with memories and experiences of their interprets.
Documentary in a mosaic-like way traces the way of the original Roma music transport to the next generation or also how it ceases to exist under the influence of social changes.
Three stories of young people from Roma communities serve as certain interludes consisting of materials gained during research trips. Anna Michalíková teaches her grandson the old songs, he likes them and the songs are the way for him how to do not lose contact with his old mom. On the other hand, Gusto Dunka is endeavoring to force his pubernal son Erik to learn Romani songs and guitar play. Erik, however, listens to a rompop, and instead of music he scuffles with his friends. Cousins Adrian and Tomas would like to learn to play guitar like Adrian's father Peter. But he is in England and cousins have to attend the Art School, where they teach their scales, sheet ... is powered by Doc Alliance, a creative partnership of 7 key European documentary film festivals. Our aim is to advance the documentary genre, support its diversity and promote quality creative documentary films.