Scene from the film The Teacher
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The Teacher

  • Slovakia
  • Czech Republic
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The early 1980s, Czechoslovakia. The principal of an elementary school calls a special parents meeting. Allegations have been made against a seemingly empathetic, kind, and amiable-looking teacher named Mrs. Drazděchová, claiming that she uses her students to manipulate their parents into providing her with minor handyman assistance, unearned material comforts, and even a love affair. Will any of the families oppose the unscrupulous teacher or will her unwritten system continue to hold sway? Featuring a snappy script, masterful performances, and assured direction, the drama presents a multifaceted study of pathological manipulation. The picture can be read as a bold contribution to the debate about the monstrosities that warped Czechoslovak society in the Normalization era, or about the post-revolution period, tainted by communism, that allowed the mechanisms of the past to take firm root. But the story, of course, has a universal application – the corrosive force of power, corruption, and human calculation hardly respects the limitations of time and space. KVIFF

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  • Original Title
  • Direction
  • Screenplay
    Petr Jarchovský
  • Cast
    Zuzana Mauréry, Peter Bebjak, Zuzana Konečná, Csongor Kassai, Attila Mokos, Éva Bandor, Martin Havelka, Ondřej Malý, Ela Lehotská, Judita Hansman, Ladislav Hrušovský, Dušan Kaprálik, Richard Labuda, Tamara Fischer, Oliver Oswald a ďalší
  • Cinematography
    Martin Žiaran
  • Editing
    Vladimír Barák
  • Music
    Michal Novinski
  • Sound
    Jiří Klenka
  • Runtime
    102 min (91+ min.)
  • Year
  • Country
    • Slovakia
    • Czech Republic
  • Format
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